Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis

The articles that I read were written similar to a lab report. They were very structured articles that included an abstract, introduction, test plans and procedures, data, results, and conclusions. According to Linton these articles have conventions of structure, reference, and language. They provide cues to the readers about what is being tested and expected in the introduction.  They used strategic use of citations it referring to work or research that was previously done in their field. With engineering and really any other science research with never stop so really every engineering article has conventions of reference. All of these articles describe a method or procedure that was done by someone else earlier.
According to the Swales’s genre model the first move is established in the abstract and introduction of these article when they identify what the research is, previous research, and the method that are going to be used. The articles establish a niche, move 2, by either raising a question about previous research or continuing on a previous research. Move 3, occupying the niche is established in all these articles with the announcing of the findings.
I actually do not mind reading things like these because having to write several articles it makes it easier to reading and understand what is going on.


  1. My articles were just like yours with the scientific method and everything laid out in front of the reader. I also agree that articles like the ones that you read and the ones that I read are easier to understand due to the experience we have with writing lab reports.

  2. The more I read articles from my journal the easier they become to read. I think once you get used to the writing conventions the articles begin to make a little bit more sense to you and you can get more out of them. I like reading articles written in scientific language because they are usually unbiased and allow the reader to make his own theories on the implications of the research.
