Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Core Elements of Construction Engineering

This week I read the article Core Elements of Construction Engineering Knowledge for Project and Career Success, which is located at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) website. This article first discusses how the design and construction markets are increasing the requirements for the final constructed project. They mention how the market is making a big move towards sustainable construction and how this is becoming more and more important to construction engineering. The article then describes four core elements of construction engineering that are essential to having a successful projects and careers. These four elements are technical fundamentals, materials of construction, construction-applied resources, and field construction operations. This article also makes a big push for construction degree programs to put a bigger importance on the construction engineering aspect of the degree and the four core elements.
I like this article because as an engineer I like to see when people want to see more importance put on the engineering aspect of the job rather than just focusing on management. My theory is it doesn’t matter if you have great management if the building is designed properly or doesn’t do its intended job. I believe that if these four core elements of construction engineering are implemented then the project will be successful and could lead the designers and contractors to having successful careers.


  1. I agree with you that design is very important. As an industrial engineer, I am involved in designing for human use. If you have a tool that is easy to use, much less training is required and it is much easier to do the job right. It is important that designers consider the human when designing, because if we are using it, it needs to be as easy to use as possible.

  2. I agree that the engineers should work closely with the contractors during the construction process to continually make sure things are being done correctly. This will help to make everyone successful while providing safe building environments.

  3. Having worked in the construction industry in the resident and commercial markets, I agree with Jed in that engineers should work closely with the contractors. There were many times the quality of the construction and the materials used in construction were questionable. When short-cuts are taken, it affect the safety of the structure and those working in and around it both short-term and long-term.
