Thursday, September 23, 2010

Group Project.

Last class we read an article about typical types of people that are in group projects. I hate group projects as well. It seems like every time I was given a group project I always ended up being the one to organize everything and make sure the job gets done. I do not think I did this because I'm a controller, I simply did it because if didn't it felt like nobody would and I'm not trying to get a bad grade due to everyone else slacking. What I hated the most about having to do all the work is that the one who did nothing still got a good grade because of me. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?


  1. Yes I hear you, but it's more frustrating when there is just a group grade and no individual grade. The times when there are team reviews in small groups don't really work. For example, if half the group did work and half the group didn't, then if half say the other half didn't do work and vice versa then its just one word against another. Therefore everyone getting the same grade regardless of effort. Hopefully this time around with most people being upper classman, we will have a lot of hard workers.

  2. Yeah I think with most of us being older the groups will work out well. Like we talked about in class, everyone will fall into their role pretty soon and the project should be fairly easy. It is really as simple as everyone doing their part and contributing equally, that way no one feels guilty for not doing enough work, and no one is pissed off because they are doing more than others. Also, if someone is not pulling their weight they should be told by the rest of the group so that they have a chance to step it up and the group doesn't have to carry that person the whole way.

  3. I had no idea so many people had bad experiences with groups. I enjoy working in groups as long as everyone is doing their work. Even if two or three out of 4 are working hard and getting it done thats fine with me, but I definitely like working with others. The good news is that since just about everyone has had a bad group experience, it should be a problem with this class cause everyone knows how annoying it is to have group members not working!
