Wednesday, September 29, 2010


As you all know Wikipedia is looked down upon by most of our professors and they will even punish you for using it. I think that is ridiculous of them because I'm sure at some point in there career they've used wikipedia for something or they might even use it all the time. As they said in the video we watched in class the other day Wikipedia has less errors than most other reference materials. This just puzzles me as to why professors and teachers are so harsh about Wikipedia when it really is probably the best referencing source avaliable to us as students. We are all in college now and most of us can determine what in wikipedia is correct and what is not. So, I believe that Wikipedia should be the most used resource in projects.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Group Project.

Last class we read an article about typical types of people that are in group projects. I hate group projects as well. It seems like every time I was given a group project I always ended up being the one to organize everything and make sure the job gets done. I do not think I did this because I'm a controller, I simply did it because if didn't it felt like nobody would and I'm not trying to get a bad grade due to everyone else slacking. What I hated the most about having to do all the work is that the one who did nothing still got a good grade because of me. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Absolute Meanings?

We talked in the last class about whether or not there is anything in this world that is absolute.  I would have to say there might be a few things that are absolute just to America, such as STOP signs, but I do not believe that there is anything that is absolute to the world. There is just no possible way for something to have 1 and only 1 absolute meaning/purpose in the world. A person’s country, religion, ethnicity, and/or culture determine how they think and live their lives. That is why I believe there is nothing absolute in this world, it just simply impossible for it to happen when there are over 6 billion people in the world coming from thousands of different places.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Obama's Speech.

I think that the Obama speech that we discussed in class on Tuesday was a good example of how rhetoric is used today. The speech does a very good job of addressing all the different audiences that might be listening. The way that it is written makes it feel like he is addressing everyone no matter what their religion maybe, or if they even have one. Also, I believe that the speech does a good job of using recent historical events that have been conducted by past presidents, such as Thomas Jefferson and the constitution. That helps take some of the pressure off the issue of the Mosque because similar things have been done in the past, so it makes it not as big of a deal as everyone is making it to be.

Secondly, Is that the speech, in my opinion, clearly does its job because it worked on me(a little). When I first heard about the Mosque going near the Ground Zero of 9/11 I was shocked. I felt like that would be a complete slap in the face, but after reading this speech my views towards this are not as harsh. That’s why I believe this is a good example of rhetoric today. It was a strategically planned speech that key on certain points in order to change the minds of how people are thinking, and it worked on me.